We are here to provide the help you need, without leaving your home!
Our services in the area of health and well-being, adapt to your needs in an individual way, when different fragilities impede and/or condition your tasks and daily routines. With our team, you will get the help you need to maintain your autonomy.
Rely less on family and friends. Enjoy life with joy!
Get in touch with us!
236 920 800 / 932 815 782
How can we help?
Saúde em Casa is the perfect solution for seniors who need professional support, in the comfort of their home. If you are looking for a complete service for yourself or a family member that coordinates social support with health services, we are the answer you are looking for!Learn more about our home care program in the area of health and well-being, which provides elderly people with supervised aging, safely and with peace of mind, promoting their independence for as long as possible.We have a proven experience of 20 years serving the senior community, provided through Lar Otília Lourenço, in Abiul.
Our Mission
Promote autonomy, care and well-being through a personalized quality service, in the comfort of the home.
We have a diversified team, which includes professionals from the health, social and occupational therapists.